Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tips Investors, to choosing a securities firm or Broker

Choosing a securities firm or broker-dealer or broker is not easy. Moreover, recently appeared frightened investors and potential investors because of the emergence of some security issues from several brokers.

In fact investors do not have to worry about in choosing a broker, not all brokers problematic. If referring to that MKBD many boker are eligible to be a place to invest. Can not be generalized so that all Broker problematic. Minimal investors can choose a broker with reference to each of their MKBD. The criteria are as below :

1. PT Bahana Securities Rp 387,248 miliar
2. PT Mandiri Sekuritas Rp 106,439 miliar
3. PT Danareksa Sekuritas Rp 70,681 miliar
4. PT BNI Securities Rp 34,332 miliar.
And there are many other brokers, we can not mention one by one. There is one broker that we recommend to you is:

PT JJNAB Capital Tbk
Jl. Sungai Gerong No. 8 to 10
General -62 (21) 390-1138
Fax  62 (21) 390-1140

Info Investor Area invites the broker to protect investors, such as protecting our own children.
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