Monday, March 8, 2010

Campaign Bapepam Massive Investment Fund

Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal & Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK) plans to hold roadshows around the major cities in Indonesia for campaigning mutual fund products.

This program will be implemented jointly by the Bapepam-LK to Asosiasi Pengelola Reksa Dana Indonesia (APRDI).According to Djoko, the purpose of this campaign is to introduce and provide educational products to prospective mutual fund investors and mutual fund dealer. In addition, this program will also launch an invitation to invest slogans on the products of mutual funds.

According to Djoko, conceptually similar to the slogan "Let's go to the Bank" which was launched by Bank Indonesia (BI). Djoko said the slogan is currently in the process of competition. Bapepam-LK with APRDI will choose the best slogan.

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